DonationWatchPolitical party donations tracker for United Kingdom
What is this?
Party donations are an important part of politics. They are an important indicator of political support. We try to present this data clearly and comprehensibly.
The data used here comes from the Electoral Commission and includes all political donations that have been documented there since 2010 and exceed £5,000.
The donation data is updated quarterly.
Data source
Most recent donations
- £25,880.93
- £23,297.91
- £7,069.03
- £15,750.00
Yearly Party Donations Overview
Party donations
Explore our party donations overview, aggregating all contributions for each party. Click on a card to access the donation details.
- Conservative Party£385,449,831.74
- Labour£335,294,193.66
- Lib Dems£91,859,420.90
- Scottish National Party£25,560,618.37
View all remaining parties
- Reform UK£16,896,279.17
- Co-operative Party£13,581,085.98
- UKIP£11,520,705.68
- Green Party£6,448,683.43
- Sinn Féin£5,914,038.62
- Plaid Cymru£5,418,640.68
- Reclaim Party£3,983,135.29
- DUP£3,445,566.98
- Socialist Party£2,414,346.29
- SDLP£1,667,115.22
- WEP£1,341,755.36
- Alliance£983,902.09
- Renew£618,673.70
- Scottish Greens£567,490.42
- UUP£499,813.36
- ALBA£487,957.24
- BNP£305,867.62
- CPB£175,816.23
- Propel£140,520.00
- SDP£90,000.00
- TUV£80,000.00
- TUSC£79,500.00
- English Democrats£68,532.00
- AWP£60,000.00
- Transform£40,000.00
- SSP£34,492.13
- Liberal Party£28,000.00
- Rejoin EU£20,000.00
- Yorkshire Party£17,998.00
- Workers Party GB£12,000.00
- CPA£10,000.00
- SFP£8,000.00
- Aspire£7,647.88
- Ashfield Independents£7,200.00
Donor donations
Discover our donors overview, showcasing the most significant financial contributors since 2010. Click on a donor to view their detailed contribution information.
Past legislative periods
Our Legislative Period Overview compiles all donations throughout the entirety of a legislative term. Click on a card to navigate to the respective legislative period.