DonationWatchPolitical party donations tracker for Netherlands
What is this?
Party donations are an important part of politics. They are an important indicator of political support. We try to present this data clearly and comprehensibly.
The information presented here is sourced from the Government of the Netherlands and encompasses all political donations recorded since 2022, exceeding €1,000.
Please be aware: Some donations lack specific date assignments and consequently won't be included in any time-series or similar visual representations.
Additionally, it's important to note that the reported donations for the SP and GL may still appear disproportionately high. This is due to the party's policy requiring all of its MPs and administrators to contribute a significant portion of their salaries to the party.
Data source
Most recent donations
- €50,000.00
- €22,500.00
- €10,000.00
- €11,800.00
Yearly Party Donations Overview
Party donations
Explore our party donations overview, aggregating all contributions for each party. Click on a card to access the donation details.
Donor donations
Discover our donors overview, showcasing the most significant financial contributors since 2022. Click on a donor to view their detailed contribution information.
Past legislative periods
Our Legislative Period Overview compiles all donations throughout the entirety of a legislative term. Click on a card to navigate to the respective legislative period.